Mediation Ethics
All mediators at Resolution Center, Inc. are required to abide by ethical standards of practice.
Ethical Guidelines
Resolution Center, Inc. has adopted the Ethical Guidelines for the Practice of Mediation from the Wisconsin Association of Mediators as its overarching ethics. The Ethical Guidelines were based upon the Model Standards of Conduct for Mediators (PDF).
Social Media and Conflicts of Interest
Resolution Center mediators use a number of online professional networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and others (together, "Social Media"). Mediators may generally accept requests from other professionals to be added to their Social Media website, but the Resolution Center does not contain a database of all these professional contacts and connections. Social Media may feature endorsements, which mediators do not seek and have no control over who may endorse for different skills. The existence of such links or endorsements does not indicate any depth of relationship other than an online professional connection, similar to connections in traditional professional organizations.
Should a Social Media connection be more than a professional connection, such as one that would rise to the level of a conflict of interest under the Ethical Guidelines or Model Standards above, the mediator will announce such connection to the parties for their determination if the mediation may continue or the mediator will withdraw if the mediator feels the conflict is one that impairs their neutrality.