Welcome to Resolution Center, Inc.

Resolution Center, Inc. is an industry leader in helping people build consensus through mediation, facilitation and training.  Resolution Center, Inc. includes both the Winnebago Conflict Resolution Center (WCRC) and the Fond du Lac Conflict Resolution Center (FDLCRC).

A pioneer in the growing area of alternative dispute resolution, the Center works both inside and outside of the court setting. Skilled mediators are trained to help people improve communication, find common ground, resolve issues, and settle disputes.

If you have a conflict or disagreement that you cannot resolve yourself, mediation may be the answer. Mediation helps you and your disputant(s) resolve your differences skillfully and effectively.

During mediation, you will discuss the issues important to you and determine the outcome yourselves. The concerns of each party in the dispute will be clarified with the help of trained, impartial mediators. The mediators will encourage clear and constructive discussions, but they will not impose a solution on you. You will be assisted in finding a resolution that is acceptable to everyone in the conflict.

The Center is also the premier resource for trainings for mediators, businesses, organizations, and more.  A recognized resource throughout the Wisconsin, the Midwest, and beyond, the Center is able to suggest or design a training to meet your specific needs.  

The mission of the Center is to help people resolve their disputes effectively, expeditiously, and with compassion and respect.

Resolution Center, Inc. is a non-profit organization providing mediation services throughout Wisconsin, and training in mediation and conflict resolution.

The Winnebago Conflict Resolution Center follows the lead of the Winnebago County Courthouse, and the Fond du Lac Conflict Resolution Center follows the lead of the Fond du Lac County Court offices.  If either closes for a weather emergency or other unplanned event, the corresponding Resolution Center will not be conducting mediations during that closure time. Any mediations scheduled during that "closure time" will be rescheduled.